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Owasso Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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As a motorcyclist, a Owasso, OK motorcycle accident lawyer understands that you are vulnerable to serious injury in the event of a crash. And rarely are car drivers actually paying enough attention to your presence on the roadway. So it’s a lucky moment for a driver to give you the right of way or watch out for you before making a maneuver. Most motorcyclists have experienced the fear of coming very close to an accident. If one day a collision does occur, the results can be disastrous. At Wandres Law, PC, we believe that victims of motorcycle accidents deserve fair compensation for all they have been through. If you are considering pursuing restitution from the driver responsible, please call us today for further advice. 

Motorcycle Accident Injuries

When you are riding your bike, there are many things that can suddenly flash through your mind. Is that driver next to you going to change lanes without looking first? Will you be given enough room to safely turn and cross through an intersection? Can you turn away from potential hazards fast enough to avoid an accident? Motorcyclists have to be constantly aware of their surroundings, more so than other drivers. All motorcyclists have is the protection of their gear. They are not afforded an external shield made of metal and sturdy material to deflect impact. As an Owasso motorcycle accident lawyer has seen, when motorcycle accidents do occur, some of the most common injuries tend to include:

  • Broken bones
  • Road rash
  • Limb amputations
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Partial or total paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Mental anguish 
  • Nerve damage
  • Facial or dental injuries

After The Accident

After the accident, your top priority should be your health and wellbeing. If you are able, gather the other driver’s information, like their name, address, phone number, driver’s license number, insurance company name, policy number, and other relevant details. However, if you were not able to do so because of a serious injury, then focus on getting care for your injuries. Perhaps you were ushered to the hospital right away or had to undergo life-saving treatment. If you had stable enough health to document the scene, then hopefully you had taken photographs and/or video of visible injuries, property damage, street signs, and the rest of the scene. The more evidence you have that supports your side of the story, the better. Medical documentation and witness statements can also be influential in obtaining the compensation you need during this difficult time.

Getting Legal Help

Many people underestimate the impact that hiring a lawyer can have in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident. Your legal team can be your best advocate, assist with insurance settlement negotiations, and hold the offending driver responsible for the accident they caused. An Owasso motorcycle accident lawyer can meet with you to discuss your situation in further depth, then let you know the best next steps to take so that your health and finances are protected. For a consultation, don’t hesitate to speak with a team member at Wandres Law, PC as soon as you can.

4 Tips For Motorcycle Accident Claims

Many people use motorcycles, but a large number of accidents involve them, as an Owasso, OK motorcycle accident lawyer is familiar with. Their design, however, also exposes riders to certain vulnerabilities on the road. When an accident occurs involving a motorcycle, the results can be devastating, not only in terms of physical injuries but also the emotional and financial toll they exact. In these challenging times, it’s essential to have a knowledgeable and compassionate advocate by your side.

The Unique Challenges Of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles lack the protective barriers that drivers in cars and larger vehicles have. This means that even a minor collision can result in severe, sometimes life-threatening injuries for the rider. Given this heightened risk, it’s crucial to approach the legal complexities surrounding motorcycle accidents with a detailed understanding and experience.

There’s an unfortunate stereotype that motorcyclists are inherently “risk-takers” or “reckless.” This misconception can sometimes influence the perception of liability in the aftermath of an accident. With these prejudices in mind, having a lawyer that specializes in motorcycle accidents becomes even more critical. They will fight for clients and ensure that there is no bias against them.

Why Choose Wandres Law, PC

Wandres Law, PC stands out for its dedicated approach to representing motorcyclists who’ve been injured on the road. Their team understands the unique challenges riders face and is passionate about ensuring that their clients get the best possible representation. With their proven record, they have shown that they have demonstrated a strong commitment to their clients. 

A skilled and experienced Owasso motorcycle accident lawyer can meet the specific needs of their clients. When choosing an Owasso motorcycle accident lawyer, it’s important to consider not only their legal expertise but also their ability to empathize and understand the unique challenges riders face. Wandres Law, PC excels in both these areas, ensuring that clients not only get the best legal representation but also the support and understanding they need during a difficult time.

Navigating The Legal Landscape

You may have many questions following an accident. Who is at fault? How will medical bills be paid? What about lost wages or long-term care? A seasoned Owasso motorcycle accident lawyer can help victims navigate this complex landscape, ensuring that they’re adequately compensated for their injuries and losses. Moreover, an attorney’s role goes beyond just the courtroom or negotiation table. They can offer guidance on collecting evidence, liaising with insurance companies, and connecting clients with medical professionals who can provide the care and rehabilitation they need. In essence, they play a pivotal role in the recovery process, both in terms of legal justice and personal well-being.

Taking The Next Step

If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident, don’t navigate the aftermath alone. Reach out to Wandres Law, PC today. Let their experienced team guide you through the legal process, ensuring that you receive the compensation you deserve and the support you need during this challenging time. Your well-being is their top priority. Connect with a trusted Owasso motorcycle accident lawyer that you can rely on if you need legal assistance after a motorcycle accident.


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      Client Review

      "I was recommended by my stepmother who used them for an accident and I have a terrible accident, got stuck between 3 bad drivers. Very messy situation and Loren handled it very well and was respectful the whole time despite us being a younger couple. I highly recommending them and will use them again if needed."
      Mary Elzo
      Client Review

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