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Dog Bite Lawyer Tulsa, OK

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Seeking Compensation After A Dog Bite

If you have recently been injured as a result of a dog attack, it’s important to connect with our experienced Tulsa, OK dog bite lawyer about your rights and options under the law. Thankfully, Oklahoma broadly protects the rights of dog bite victims to an extent that isn’t honored in many other states. As a result, our legal team at Wandres Law, PC is likely in a strong position to help you secure any and all compensation to which you may be entitled at this time.

At our firm, we prioritize service and results. We know that reaching out to a lawyer often comes at a time of significant stress and pain, so we strive to ease that burden for our clients. After addressing your questions and providing you with all the essential information you need, we will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our dedicated team.

An Overview Of Dog Bite Cases

In Oklahoma, dog bite cases are generally tried under a strict liability standard. Meaning, dog owners are not given the benefit of a “one bite” exception. In some other states, dog owners can’t generally be held liable for a dog attack unless the animal in question has already caused someone harm in a previous bite/attack capacity. By contrast, Oklahoma protects the rights of anyone who is bitten “while such person is in or on a place where they have a lawful right to be” regardless of whether the animal’s owner knew that it had a capacity for vicious behavior.

Under Oklahoma’s strict liability approach to dog attacks, the owner(s) of any dog which bites someone is liable for the harm their dog causes, provided that the victim didn’t provoke the dog into attacking. If you were bitten without provocation and you were not on someone else’s property unlawfully at the time of your attack, our Tulsa dog bite lawyer team should be in a strong position to help you recover compensation for your harm.

Chances are that the homeowner or property owner insurance policy of dog owner whose animal bit you will be your most straightforward option to secure compensation. However, you may also be in a position to file for workers’ compensation benefits or personal injury damages, depending upon the unique ins and outs of your circumstances. We’ll assess all the details of your situation to maximize your recovery.

Steps To Take Immediately Following the Attack 

Right after the attack occurs, you should treat it similarly to other personal injury cases. Important measures to take include assessing the damage, obtaining contact information, taking pictures, calling the police, and seeking medical attention.

After the dog lets go, you need to assess the damage and stop the wound from bleeding. Put pressure on the wound and if you are unable to get it to stop bleeding, call 9-1-1. 

If you do not need the help of emergency services, it is important that you get the dog owner’s contact information. Additionally, if there were any witnesses who saw the attack occur, they will be vital to supporting your case. 

If you have your phone or a camera available, take pictures of your wounds, of the scene of the accident, and of the dog if they are still around and it is safe to do so. This can set the scene for what happened and show what your injuries were like immediately following the attack. It can also help if there are signs up, like “Beware of Dog,” that insinuates the owner knew their dog was aggressive or may attack someone. 

When you are dealing with serious injuries from a dog bite, you should file a report with the police department and you should call the local health department. 

Whether it comes in the form of emergency services coming to the scene or going to the doctor’s by yourself after the attack, always seek medical help. A doctor will want to know if you have a rabies suspicion and they will need to treat you quickly so that the bite does not lead to serious infection. In severe cases, you may need surgery to repair damage as best as possible. 

In Oklahoma, a dog owner is under the “strict liability” rule. This means that they are fully responsible if their dog bites and attacks another person, except if the dog was provoked or the person was on their property illegally. Even if the dog’s owner did not know the dog was aggressive or did not otherwise show signs they would attack, the owner is still liable. When you are ready to move forward with your claim, give our office a call.

Dog Bite Laws In Oklahoma

A Tulsa, OK dog bite lawyer understands that dog bites can result in severe injuries and emotional trauma. These physical and psychological injuries can be long-term or even permanent. In the state of Oklahoma, specific laws are in place to address these incidents and protect the rights of those who have suffered injuries due to a dog bite.  The following is a brief overview of these laws. For more detailed information, contact Wandres Law, P.C.

Strict Liability For Dog Owners

Oklahoma adheres to a strict liability rule when it comes to dog bite cases. This means that dog owners are generally held responsible for injuries caused by their dogs, regardless of the dog’s prior behavior or the owner’s knowledge of that behavior. In other words, if a dog bites someone, the owner is typically liable for the resulting damages.

Negligence And Trespassing Defenses

While strict liability is the primary principle, there are defenses available to dog owners. If the person who was bitten was trespassing or provoking the dog, the owner may use these factors as defenses to reduce or eliminate their liability. It’s important to note that the exact circumstances of each case can influence the application of these defenses.

Statute Of Limitations

Under Oklahoma law, there is a time limit for filing a dog bite lawsuit. The statute of limitations for dog bite cases is two years from the date of the bite or injury. Failing to file a lawsuit within this timeframe may result in the forfeiture of your right to seek compensation. Prompt action is essential when pursuing a dog bite claim. If you are unsure of what the timeframe may be in your case, make sure to consult with a Tulsa dog bite lawyer.

Bite Vs. Non-Bite Injuries

It’s crucial to understand that Oklahoma’s dog bite laws primarily apply to injuries caused by a dog’s bite. In cases where a dog causes injury without biting, such as by knocking someone over, different legal principles may come into play, such as negligence. An experienced attorney can help you determine the appropriate legal approach for your specific situation.

Available Damages In Dog Bite Cases

If you have been bitten by someone else’s dog, a Tulsa, OK dog bite lawyer may be able to help you get compensation. What happened to you was not fair and you deserve justice for that. An experienced lawyer can help you pursue a timely injury claim. Here are several available damages in dog bite cases.

  • Medical Expenses

Dog bites can lead to serious complications, so it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention. Medical expenses for a dog bite can easily cost thousands of dollars and you should not have to pay for them out of your own pocket. The compensation you recover for your medical bills may include emergency room treatment, rabies shots, wound cleaning, surgery, antibiotics, occupational therapy and plastic surgery for scars.

  • Lost Wages

While some dog bites are fairly minor, others are severe enough to require time off of work. If you sustained a severe dog bite, you might not be able to perform your tasks at work for some time. You may be able to be compensated for your lost wages. The lost wages may include salary, bonuses and other benefits.

  • Property Damage

During a dog bite attack, some of your property may have also sustained damage, like your clothes. You may be entitled to compensation for that. Likewise, if you were riding your bicycle when a dog attacked you, you may be able to recover compensation for your bicycle damage. 

  • Reduced Earning Capacity

Some dog bites are so severe that they render a victim disabled. You might not be able to return to work. If you have suffered debilitating injuries from a dog bite, a Tulsa dog bite lawyer may be able to help you recover damages for reduced earning capacity.

  • Emotional Distress

Dog bites don’t just cause physical injuries. They can also result in emotional distress. Victims may feel depressed and anxious over suffering injuries. They may also be afraid of getting near dogs again and even develop post-traumatic stress disorder. If you have suffered emotional distress after a dog bite, you may benefit from mental health counseling.

  • Loss Of Consortium

Also referred to as loss of affection, loss of consortium describes the love and affection family members of the victim lose from the injury. For example, the dog bite victim may no longer be able to show his or her spouse physical affection. When calculating compensation for loss of consortium, the court may look at multiple factors, such as living arrangements and life expectancy of the victim and spouse.

  • Punitive Damages

It’s rare for judges to award punitive damages in dog bite cases, but it can happen. Punitive damages aim to punish a defendant for especially careless behavior. For example, if the owner knows his or her dog is aggressive and allows it to walk off a leash in a public park, the person who gets attacked may receive punitive damages. A Tulsa dog bite lawyer may help you go after punitive damages in a dog bite case.

Tulsa Dog Bite Infographic


Tulsa Dog Bite Statistics

Dog bites are a serious public health concern, as they can cause significant physical injuries and emotional trauma. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs each year, with about 20% of these bites requiring medical attention. The CDC also reports that approximately 800,000 dog bite victims annually require medical treatment, and around 30 to 40 deaths occur each year due to dog attacks.

Children are at the highest risk for dog bites, especially those between the ages of 5 and 9. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) highlights that children are more likely to suffer from severe injuries from dog bites because of their smaller size and vulnerability. The CDC estimates that half of all dog bite victims are children, and most of these incidents occur in familiar settings, such as the home or a neighbor’s house.

Breed-specific data indicates that certain breeds are more commonly associated with serious dog attacks. While pit bulls and Rottweilers are often mentioned in media reports, it is important to note that any dog, regardless of breed, can bite. According to the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), most dog bites are caused by dogs that have not been neutered or spayed, and many are due to a lack of proper training or socialization.

The following charts illustrate key trends related to dog bites:

Dog Bite Incidents by Age Group


Dog Bite Fatalities by Breed


Dog Bite Treatment Requirements


Our Tulsa dog bite lawyer is here to help individuals who have been bitten by dogs and sustained injuries as a result. Here are five frequently asked questions about how Wandres Law, P.C. can assist individuals who have suffered injuries due to dog bites:

What should I do if I am bitten by a dog?

If you are bitten by a dog, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention for your injuries. Even if the wound appears minor, it is important to have it cleaned and treated to prevent infection. You should also try to identify the dog and its owner, and obtain their contact information. Finally, you should contact a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law as soon as possible to ensure that your legal rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Can I recover damages for my injuries?

Yes, you may be able to recover damages for your injuries, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. In some cases, punitive damages may also be awarded to punish the dog owner for their negligence or intentional misconduct.

What if the dog was provoked or the owner wasn’t aware of the dog’s aggressive behavior?

In some cases, a dog may be provoked or the owner may not be aware of their dog’s aggressive behavior. However, this does not absolve the owner of liability. Dog owners have a responsibility to ensure that their pets are under control and do not pose a threat to others. In some states, there is a “strict liability” rule that holds dog owners responsible for any injuries their dogs cause, regardless of the circumstances. Consult with our Tulsa, OK dog bite lawyer for specific information about how this might apply to your case.

What if the dog was a service animal?

Service animals are trained to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities, and they are generally well-behaved and non-aggressive. However, even if a dog is a service animal, the owner can still be held liable for injuries caused by the dog. Service animals are not exempt from the law, and their owners are still responsible for ensuring that they do not pose a threat to others.

Who can be held liable for dog bite injuries?

Typically, dog owners will be held responsible if their dog attacks someone else. For example, if they allow their dog off a leash in a public park and the dog bites a person, the owner may be liable for the person’s medical expenses and other damages that resulted from the attack. Likewise, if you are in someone’s yard and their dog attacks you, that person may be held responsible for your damages.

Can I talk about my injuries with the dog’s owner?

If the owner of the dog that bit you asks you about your injuries, you should politely decline to answer. You should only discuss your injuries with a Tulsa dog bite lawyer. If you talk about your injuries with the dog owner or anyone else, what you say can be used against you. For example, if you say that your injuries don’t seem that bad, it could devalue your case. Only exchange names and contact information with the dog owner.

What do I do if I do not know who owns the dog who bit me?

If there was no owner present when you suffered a dog bite attack, you may be wondering who you should hold responsible. It’s important to report your injury to animal control as soon as possible. They may ask you to give a full description of the dog so that they can try and find the dog and owner.

How can a lawyer help me with my dog bite case?

A dog bite attorney can help you in several ways. We can investigate the circumstances surrounding your injury, gather evidence to support your claim, and negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company on your behalf. We can also represent you in court if necessary. Our goal is to help you obtain the compensation you deserve for your injuries and hold the responsible party accountable for their negligence.

in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Tulsa Dog Bite Glossary

Dog bites can lead to serious physical and emotional injuries that disrupt daily life and require significant medical care. Oklahoma law offers strong protections for dog bite victims, enabling them to pursue compensation for the harm caused by an attack. At Wandres Law, PC, we help individuals in Tulsa understand their legal rights and take action to recover the support they need to move forward. Below are essential terms and concepts related to dog bite cases in Oklahoma to provide clarity for those navigating this challenging situation.

Strict Liability

In Oklahoma, dog bite cases are governed by strict liability laws. This means that a dog owner is automatically held responsible for injuries caused by their dog, regardless of whether the animal has a history of aggression or whether the owner was aware of any dangerous tendencies. Unlike states with a “one bite” rule, which excuses a dog owner from liability unless the dog has previously bitten someone, Oklahoma law protects victims by eliminating the need to prove the owner’s prior knowledge of risk.

This framework simplifies legal claims for victims but still requires careful documentation and evidence to establish the circumstances of the attack. At Wandres Law, PC, we use this law to strengthen our clients’ cases, ensuring that the dog owner is held accountable under the protections Oklahoma provides.

Provocation Defense

Although strict liability holds dog owners accountable, certain defenses can be raised to limit or dismiss their responsibility. One common defense is that the victim provoked the dog. Provocation can involve actions such as teasing, hitting, or intimidating the animal, and if proven, it may absolve the owner of responsibility for the attack.

We have significant experience addressing these claims by thoroughly examining the circumstances of the incident. For example, witness statements, video footage, or photographs from the scene can help refute baseless allegations of provocation. By challenging these defenses, we work to protect our clients’ rights to fair compensation.

Medical Expenses

Dog bites often lead to injuries requiring immediate and ongoing medical attention. These expenses can include emergency room visits, surgeries, rabies vaccinations, wound care, and physical therapy. In severe cases, victims may require reconstructive surgery or long-term treatment for complications such as infections or nerve damage.

We work closely with medical providers to ensure that all current and future treatment costs are documented. By presenting this information clearly, we help clients recover compensation that fully reflects the financial burden of their injuries, allowing them to focus on healing.

Emotional Trauma

The emotional effects of a dog bite can be just as significant as the physical injuries. Victims may develop anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the attack. These conditions can interfere with daily life, relationships, and professional responsibilities. For children, the psychological impact can be particularly lasting, including a persistent fear of dogs or reluctance to engage in normal outdoor activities.

At Wandres Law, PC, we recognize the importance of addressing these less visible injuries. By collaborating with mental health professionals, we present a full picture of the emotional toll a dog bite has taken on our clients’ lives. This allows us to seek compensation that acknowledges not only physical harm but also the emotional distress caused by the attack.

Insurance Claims

Homeowners’ or renters’ insurance policies often cover dog bite incidents, making them a common source of compensation for victims. However, insurance companies may attempt to limit payouts by disputing the severity of injuries, questioning the circumstances of the attack, or delaying the claims process. Successfully navigating an insurance claim requires careful preparation and negotiation to counter these tactics.

Our team has extensive experience managing insurance claims for dog bite cases. For instance, in a case resulting in a $300,000 settlement for a client, we meticulously documented the injuries, treatment, and financial impact to overcome resistance from the insurer. By presenting a well-supported claim, we help clients secure the financial resources they need after an attack.

Wandres Law, PC, Tulsa Dog Bite Lawyer

1202 East 33rd Street Tulsa, OK 74105

Contact Our Lawyer Today

Recovering from a dog attack takes time and usually requires a significant amount of medical care. As a result of lost income and rising medical bills, many dog bite victims find that their household budgets can’t stretch to meet the needs of the moment. Please allow the experienced legal team at Wandres Law, PC. to determine whether you’re entitled to compensation as a result of the harm you’ve suffered. If a homeowner’s insurance policy or some other form of compensation should be covering your losses right now, we can help you to secure what you’re owed in an efficient, effective manner.

Please don’t wait until your bills are piling up to connect with our Tulsa dog bite lawyer team. Schedule a free consultation today and benefit from the peace of mind that so often accompanies fully understanding your rights and options. We look forward to speaking with you. 

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