When you have proper insurance coverage, you expect that you will receive the benefits you need when it comes time to file a claim. Unfortunately, many people learn the hard way that insurance companies can be less than cooperative when processing claims.
Insurance companies are businesses first, and these companies earn greater profits when they minimize payments to claimants. For this reason, adjusters often find reasons to dispute or even deny valid claims.
When you are already facing a difficult situation, the last thing you need is to deal with a difficult insurance dispute. Having the right legal advice and representation can often make the difference between obtaining the insurance benefits you need and having to pay out of pocket. Discuss your claim with an experienced Tulsa insurance dispute attorney from Wandres Law, PC, as soon as possible.
Our legal team knows that issues can arise during any type of insurance claim. We help clients with both first-party claims, which you file with your own insurer, and third-party claims, which you would file when another driver, business, or property owner causes you injuries or property damage.
If you believe that your injury or accident was caused by the negligence of another party DO NOT make the mistake of going at it alone. Contact Wandres Law for a free phone consultation where we’ll hear the details of your accident and give you an honest assessment of your case at which point you can use that information to make an informed decision as to whether you need to hire a lawyer. Many Oklahoma personal injury cases are time-sensitive, and therefore must be handled in a timely manner. We urge you to call Wandres Law, a qualified Tulsa Accident Lawyer which residents can trust, at your earliest convenience following your injury or accident.
Claims we can assist with might involve:
Each claim will have its unique circumstances and requirements, and we can assess your rights under your policy given your specific situation. Even if you initially filed your claim without legal help, it is never too late to get an attorney involved who can stand up to your insurers.
There are many different reasons why insurance companies might deny your claim. In fact, many insurers train adjusters to find ways to challenge claims to avoid paying benefits whenever possible. Some common reasons for denials include:
For some people, disputing a claim denial is relatively straightforward. For example, we can review your policy or payment history and point to evidence that your claim should be covered. It might be the question of a simple mistake on the insurer’s part, and they might make a fair offer once the mistake is resolved.
Sometimes, however, resolving the dispute can be significantly more complicated. Perhaps we need to gather and present stronger evidence of liability for the accident or your damages based on the severity of your injuries. This can take time and resources, though our legal team is dedicated to doing everything we can to fight for your insurance benefits.
We might need to escalate the matter, which can involve taking the matter before the state insurance commission, filing a lawsuit in civil court for personal injury, or even filing a lawsuit for insurance bad faith in certain scenarios. We can identify the best course of action to obtain the settlement you deserve in your situation.
Under the law, insurance companies have the duty to act in good faith when it comes to processing and paying out claims. If we determine that an insurance company is acting in violation of this duty, we can prepare and file an insurance bad faith claim on your behalf in the proper civil court.
In order to prove your insurance company acted in bad faith, we must gather sufficient evidence to prove:
The insurance company withheld benefits you deserved as a policyholder under the terms and conditions of your policy. Your attorney should make a final demand for a fair and reasonable settlement of your claim before they take action for bad faith.
The insurance company’s refusal to pay benefits was unreasonable given the facts of your situation.
Each bad faith claim will have its own circumstances, and there are many different scenarios that can involve insurance bad faith. Some situations in which this type of action might be justified include:
The insurer failed to provide any reasonable explanation for your denial of benefits
The company and its agents intentionally misrepresented the terms of your policy or other material facts
The insurance company did not approve or deny your claim within a reasonable time period once it had all relevant information and evidence
The insurance company did not operate in line with reasonable standards when making a decision on your claim
The insurer granted your claim and failed to pay benefits in a reasonable time period
Our attorneys will take many steps to determine whether you have been the victim of insurance bad faith, including closely reviewing your policy and all communications with the insurer during the claim process. We can communicate with your insurer directly to give them one last chance to act reasonably and pay you the settlement you deserve.
If an insurance company still wrongfully denies your claim or otherwise acts unreasonably, we can file a complaint with the Oklahoma Insurance Department and prepare a lawsuit for insurance bad faith.
Also, please keep in mind that Wandres Law performs all personal injury legal services on a contingency basis which means that
Insurance companies know that policyholders and third-party claimants might not know their rights. Too often, people accept wrongful denials of claims or take settlements that are far less than they deserve because they don’t know they have other legal rights and options. Having the right insurance dispute lawyer communicate with your insurer is often enough to get them to pay a reasonable settlement.
However, if an insurance company still refuses to do its job, the legal team of Wandres Law, PC, in Tulsa is ready to escalate the matter on your behalf. Call (918) 641-4044 or contact us online to discuss your insurance claim situation and learn how we can assist you.
"I was recommended by my stepmother who used them for an accident and I have a terrible accident, got stuck between 3 bad drivers. Very messy situation and Loren handled it very well and was respectful the whole time despite us being a younger couple. I highly recommending them and will use them again if needed."
Mary Elzo
Local Phone Number (918) 641-4044
Toll Free Statewide 833-ASK-WLAW
1202 East 33rd Street
Tulsa, OK 74105
3030 NW Expressway
Suite 200 # 392
Oklahoma City, OK 73112