Many people mistakenly believe they are reduced to workers’ compensation alone when they are injured at work. This is not so. Workers’ compensation enforces such limits as the amount of missed work an employee is reimbursed for and sometimes which doctors a worker may obtain. If you are a Tulsa-area construction worker injured at work, a Tulsa Construction Accident Attorney can help you know your rights.
Electrocution occurs when a person receives a surge of electric shock. Electrocution’s effects can range from merely feeling the shock to burns to death. If you are a construction worker or construction site employee, an electrocution in the workplace may be considered a construction accident. An electrocution accident falls under state of Arizona personal injury laws.
Personal injury accidents can result in physical pain and suffering, mental anguish, emotional distress and even loss of companionship. Such consequences are immeasurable and a personal injury attorney can advocate for their monetary equivalents. Measurable Economic Damages can include hospitalization, medical bills, long and short-term nursing care, physical therapy, mental health therapy and lost wages.
According to the State Bar of Arizona, you have 2 years from the date of your injury or discovery of injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. You have 6 months to file a special administrative claim if your injury involves a government agency (for instance, being electrocuted while working on a city street).
Any monetary award total from your personal injury claim is in addition to, not a portion of, all allowable workers’ compensation you are entitled to. Some circumstances inhibit your ability to collect workers’ compensation or file a personal injury claim, such as consumption of drugs or alcohol before or while at work.
But most construction workers wish to protect themselves and others from danger at work, so abide by common sense safety rules. Even if you were partially at fault for a construction accident, you may have rights to file a personal injury claim. Even if your workplace insists its insurance coverage will compensate you for your injury, you may have rights to file a personal injury claim. A Tulsa Construction Accident Attorney can represent you with your workplace, their insurance company and their attorneys involved.
An attorney at Wandres Law in Tulsa can help you understand all your rights and litigate your claim. If you are looking for a Tulsa Construction Accident Attorney, call Wandres Law to get started on your claim today.
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