Spinal cord injuries are among the most devastating that a person can suffer. These are serious, often-debilitating, life-changing injuries that can affect not only the injured individual but their loved ones as well. Often, people who sustain spinal cord injuries require continuous medical care that can last for the rest of their life. If you live in Oklahoma and have suffered such injuries, it’s a good idea to retain an experienced spinal cord injury attorney such as Patrick Wandres at Wandres Law.
A spinal cord injury can affect the spine itself and also the nerves along the spinal column. These injuries can result in a partial or full loss of sensation and motor control and can even leave victims paralyzed. Paralysis could occur in just the legs or even from the neck down, resulting in the individual being left a paraplegic or quadriplegic. People with spinal cord injuries are left with devastating after-effects as the spinal cord controls a wide range of bodily functions, including breathing, relieving oneself, sexual function and even breathing.
Spinal cord injuries are usually caused by trauma to the spine. They can also be caused by a blow to most parts of your back. Many of these injuries are caused by someone else’s negligence, permanently changing the quality of life of the victim. According to Mayo Clinic, the following are some of the most common:
These injuries can also be caused by medical errors during surgeries on the neck or back. In this case, the injuries would be the result of medical malpractice.
Because of the complex and serious nature of spinal cord injuries, hiring an attorney is absolutely essential. A lawyer experienced in handling lawsuits involving these types of injuries can ensure that the person or institution responsible is held accountable and that you get the compensation you deserve for your medical expenses, ongoing treatment, pain and suffering, lost wages and other damages.
A spinal cord injury attorney can also help you to protect your family if you have a long road to recovery or cannot fully recover. Here are some of the expenses that can create massive financial burdens for families after a serious spinal injury:
– Post-Discharge Physical Therapy
– Home Modifications
– Adapted Vehicles/Driving Controls
– Standing Frames
– Fertility Treatments (Men)
Get in touch with Wandres Law at your earliest convenience to be connected with a lawyer who can help in your spinal cord injury case. We will work with you to prepare your case properly, striving for the maximum compensation for your injuries and any other damages.
For more information on our Tulsa Spinal Cord Injury Attorney, please visit our site.
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